The House Edge Story

This isn’t a story of a new invention on the back of a napkin. We weren’t college roommates or childhood friends that started an agency together.

We spent 25+ combined years working for casinos and entertainment properties. When casino management changed or switched focus, there was the need for a new set of support staff. As vendors would come to our properties and pitch services the same deficiencies became clear.

Most agencies do not understand casino marketing. Marketing yogurt or a car dealership doesn’t prepare you for our industry. Casinos are made up of unique elements… We were exhausted from explaining things like theo, coin in and why free-play was not actually free.

Occasionally we would find an agency that did have a background in gaming. Yet, they rarely embraced the power of digital tools.

In 2011 we launched House Edge Digital (under a previous name). Our sole purpose is to leverage technology to earn your casino more profit.

House Edge is a certified Google Marketing Partner, and an official Facebook Application developer.

We are casino marketers. We are technology experts.


JJ Wendt

JJ Wendt began his professional career in digital marketing over 20 years ago in the early days of the internet and has been doing work for luxury resorts and casino gaming enterprises for the last 15 years.

Russell King

James Russell King, graduated from Southwest University of Visual arts in 2002. Soon after, he began his career as a professional graphic designer joining the marketing team of a local luxury resort. He then went on to work in-house at a Tribal Casino for over a decade. Russell leads all art direction for our team.

James Christensen

James Christensen began his career shortly after graduating from the University of Washington in 1995. His first marketing position was with ‘Xtreme Radio’ in Las Vegas, NV. He was hired in 2006 to supervise the entertainment and marketing for Casino Del Sol in Tucson, AZ. During his tenure, Casino Del Sol Won Best Outdoor Venue of the Year five years in a row.

Enough about us, let’s talk about you.